General information according to § 5 ECG
Company Details
Leonhardstraße 8
8010 Graz

Website Realization
- Webdesign
- Web Concept
- Technical implementation
- Creation and delivery of content
Incert Voucher System – online vouchers
This voucher shop was established by Incert, the specialists of online distribution and marketing of all vouchers. The voucher system from is individually adapted to the homepage and allows the automatic sale of vouchers through print@home as well as the individual personalizing of vouchers with dedications, designs and codes.
Parkhotel Graz
Mandatory information according to Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and Council:
Link to the homepage of the site for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes the European Commission: - further information can be found under this link. For the initial questions about a possible dispute resolution please contact us at